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FHS Parents Night Out

parents night out logo

To register, please fill out the questions below. 

Please sign up one student at a time.

Please note, no transportation will be provided. 

Ages 5-12 only. 

Students must be dropped off by 5:30 p.m.

All parents will have to sign a permission slip upon check in on Friday. 

Spaces are limited. Please note, this event is not being sponsored, nor has any association with, the City of Fairfax. 

Student Information

Parent / Guardian Information

Medical Information

2025 FHS Parents' Night Out Registration Agreement

1) Food: Campers may bring their own food, please refrain from bringing foods with nuts. Pizza, chips and water will be provided. 

2) Personal Belongings: All campers are responsible for their own personal belongings while attending the camp. The camp provides all supplies for activities. I understand that all items brought to camp must be clearly marked with the camper's name. I understand that Fairfax HS assume no responsibility for any personal belongings brought to camp.

3) Medical Authorization and Emergency Care: I authorize the Fairfax HS staff to seek emergency treatment, to administer emergency CPR and/or first aid treatment deemed appropriate, and to arrange to have my child transported to an appropriate medical facility in the event emergency care is necessary. I authorize emergency personnel, doctors, nurses, or hospital/medical facility staff to perform any procedure judged necessary for the treatment and well-being of my child. I understand that Fairfax HS personnel will NOT administer medicine of any kind to my child. I will not hold Fairfax HS directors and staff liable should my child have an accident or sustain an injury on the way to/from or during camp activities. 

Parent Signature*
Signature Required

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