Superintendent's Message

Dear City of Fairfax Community,
Welcome to the City of Fairfax Schools! We are honored to serve such a wonderful community in one of the most vibrant areas in the country.
I hope you take some time to read about our four schools and the Fairfax Academy. We are here to connect our community to our schools. The City of Fairfax Schools:
Invests in our students – innovation labs in our middle and elementary schools, funding for programs such as AVID, summer programs to bridge academic gaps, enrich learning, and help students' transition;
Supports teachers– funding for professional development and substitutes to supporting teacher collaboration time, reimbursement to teachers for National Board Certification fees;
Welcomes families – The FCPS Family Engagement survey reported that 91% of City of Fairfax schools’ families felt welcome in our schools;
Provides excellent facilities – Professional equipment in our Academy, turf fields and hardwood gym floor in our high school, outdoor classrooms in our elementary schools, wind turbine in our middle school – we strive to provide a safe and exceptional environment for our students to succeed.
If you are a current family or staff member, I invite you to connect with us – on social media, contacting our school board or staff and let us know how we can help. If you are a prospective parent, I invite you to tour our schools.
From all of us at the City of Fairfax Schools - welcome!
Jeff Platenberg